Pokémon FireRed Nuzlocke Challenge

Taken from here, I’m following my own version of the now-kinda-popular Pokéchallenge. FireRed was the only version where I didn’t have any mans worth anything, which is why I picked it. I’d love to do this on a Gen4 game but all of those have stuff I need…anyway, RULES.

1) If it faints, release it
2) Only catch the first thing in the area. if it faints, too bad, if you don’t have balls, too bad.
3) No repeat mans
4) All mans must have meaningful nicknames
5) One ball of each type can be bought per town
6) Only use TMs given to or found
7) No repels

Under the jump cut/more link I’ll be posting in character of my trainer…so sorry if it’s like bad fanfiction. I might draw pictures, too.

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Slow week.5

It’s been about a week.5 since I last posted, right? Okay, it hasn’t been slow in all meanings of the word, but in my gaming it has. I played Pokemon Platinum a lot. My Dragon team is kicking ass 6 ways to next week, even in the Ice gym.

Cross Edge site keeps getting updates, all the characters are there. I’m not following it as closely as AT2 since I don’t plan on buying it. Rosenqueen’s getting a new site, and that’s when preorders should go up.

Other news…well. The world ended on 4/1, and that’s all I’ll say on that.

Time to go to the store. I really need food.